I won a contest! Hooray!

On a whim, I submitted the first five pages of my memoir-in-progress to Modern Muse’s First Five Pages Contest. To my surprise, I won!

The prize was a developmental critique and line edit of my first chapter. Here is an excerpt from my chapter “Be Like Water” after the editors carefully critiqued it.

If you are a writer, I suggest you submit to Modern Muse’s next contest. They host the contests quarterly, and you could win!

Good luck!

If you’re interested in learning/reading more from my memoir, click here!



Summer Koester is an award-winning writer and an educator, artivist, and culture disruptor in Lingít Aaní, "Land of Tides," a.k.a. Juneau, Alaska. Her words have appeared in New York Times, The Sun, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Huffington Post, Insider Magazine, The Independent, and various buses around Juneau.

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