Now on Belladonna Comedy: We Must Put An End to Government Overreach, Which Is Why I’m Burning Down These Stop Signs

I wrote a funny piece in response to the mask burning rally in Boise, Idaho that occurred over the weekend. I am so grateful to the Belladonnas for once again publishing my piece and letting me kick it with the cool girls!

We Must Put An End to Government Overreach Which Is Why I’m Burning Down These Stop Signs

Thanks for reading!

Summer Koester is an award-winning writer and an educator, artivist, and culture disruptor in Lingít Aaní, "Land of Tides," a.k.a. Juneau, Alaska. Her words have appeared in New York Times, The Sun, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Huffington Post, Insider Magazine, The Independent, and various buses around Juneau.

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